Russian Orthodox Church Music vol.11

Author : petere


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Ikon Records (3) – IKO 13v

The Nuns Of The Pyukhtitsy Convent (Estonia)

Russian Orthodox Church Music – Hymns And Chants From The Services

A1 The Bells Of The Monastery
A2 Bless The Lord, O My Soul (Psalm 103)
A3 Lord, I Have Cried…. (Sunday Stichera, Tone 4)
Vocals [Cantix] – Sister Nina Boytsova
A4 Hail, Mother Of God And Virgin (Troparion At The End Of Vespers)
A5 Praise Ye The Name Of The Lord
A6 From The Rising Up Of The Sun
A7 In Thy Kingdom
A8 From Thy Youth (Troparion Of Our Holy Father Seraphim)
A9 Hymn Of The Cherubim No. 1
A10 Have Mercy Upon Me, O God
Music Of Great Lent
A11 Thou Knowest, O Lord My Creator (Troparion From The First Nocturn Of Great Compline)
B1 They Stripped Me Of My Garments (Sticheron From Matins of Great Friday, After The Ninth Gospel)
B2 The Good Thief (Exapostilarion Of Matins Of Great Friday)
Vocals – Abbess Barbara Trophimova, Sister Georgia Shchukina, Sister Nina Boytsova
B3 Christ Is Risen
B4 Glorifying The Condescension Of Thy Divine Majesty (Sticheron From Lauds of Easter Night)
B5 The Translation Of The Pure Tabernacle (Sticheron From Matins)
B6 O Ye Apostles (Exapostilarion Of The Feast)
B7 In Giving Birth (Troparion Of The Feast)
B8 With The Voice Of The Archangel (Megalynarion For The Feast Of The Annunciation) Music Of Christmas
B9 Our Saviour, The Dayspring From The East (Exapostilarion Of The Feast)
Spiritual Songs
B10 In A Far Country (Song Of The Monastery)
B11 Defender Of The World (Song Of The Monastery)
B12 Come, Ye Faithful, And Let Us Behold (Sticheron From Matins Of The Nativity Of Christ)
B13 The Angels In Heaven (Carol)
B14 Blessed Art Thou, O Christ Our God (Troparion Of The Holy Trinity)


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